1. Link Structure
New Impact.com Links: https://go.expressvpn.com/c/YourPersonalImpactID/LandingPageID/16063?subID1=Streaming&subID2=Banner
YourPersonalImpactID - When you sign up for Impact.com, you will be given your Personal Impact ID. It will look something like this 3659791
LandingPageID - Every landing page on Impact.com has its own, unique identifier number. For example, our main streaming landing page is 1462857. When you log in to Impact.com, you'll be able to see all the Landing Pages and their corresponding numbers.
16063 - This number won’t change. This is the advertiser’s identifier, in this case, ExpressVPN.
subID1=Streaming&subID2=Banner - subID1 & subID2 are equivalent to data1 & data2 in PAP.
2. How To Build Links
2.1. Using Impact.com Assets
Step 1. Click Content
Step 2. Click Assets
Step 3. Search for a Landing Page (eg. Football, Netflix, Streaming, Privacy, etc…). OR, you can also use the left panel to filter through all the Text Link assets we have
Step 4. Press “Enter” and results will appear
Step 5. Click on one of the Landing Pages
Step 6. Click “Tracking Link”
Step 7. You can “Copy Tracking Link” as it is
Step 8. Or you can Enable “Tracking Parameters” and add a SubID1 and SubID2 parameters to it.
2.2. Use the Link Generator
You can quickly create tracking link by using the Link Generator.
Step 1. Copy your Impact ID from the Impact.com Dashboard and enter it it the Link Generator.
Step 2. Select the desired Landing page (sites with an asterisk * have high conversion rates and are are highly recommended).
Step 3. Choose a language.
Step 4. Fill in additional parameters to help you gain better understanding of how your links are doing. We recommend adding the Shared ID parameter for better tracking and a granular reporting overview.
Step 5. Click “Generate link” - the link will be generated
Step 6. Test if the link leads to the desired Landing page and use it on your webpage.