How to Write a “Best of…” Comparison Article (That Increases Your Affiliate Sales)

How to Write a “Best of…” Comparison Article (That Increases Your Affiliate Sales)

Good quality articles = more sales = more commission for you.

Welcome back to Part 2 of our guide on how to write great content articles that drive more clicks and generate you more money.

In this week’s guide, you’ll get tips on how to write and structure a great VPN comparison article to help increase sales from your affiliate links.

Let’s get started!

What is a comparison article?

A compassion article gives readers a general overview of the best products and services in a specific category. For example:

  • “Best VPNs”
  • “Best Pickup Trucks”
  • “Best Toasters”

Now, given general comparison articles tend to start with “Best…”, the articles usually take the form of a listicle—an article in the form of a list.

Readers who click on a “best…” general comparison article likely do not know much about the product category. Therefore, readers will being clicking on your article with two questions in mind:

  1. “What are the best products in the market for the category/problem statement?”
  2. “Will this solve my problem based on my needs and budget?”

It’s your job to answer these questions in the clearest way possible. How can you do that? Let’s take a look.

The Title


Comparison Table


List Points

Calls to Action

Landing Pages
